Monday, December 17, 2007

the final blog...:(

I thought this was a great class! It was fun but informational at the same time. I feel like I learned a lot about law and I enjoyed the topics we went over. I thought they were a good choice of topics because they pertain to us directly for example when we learned about our first amendment rights and such. I like that there was a variety of assignments and that it wasn’t all repetitive. Blogs were a good ay to express your feelings that you didn’t have time to discuss in class and I like that we were able to get extra credit by commenting on other peoples blogs. The reading quizzes were fair because if you did the reading then you would do well on the quiz since they were main ideas rather than little details. I loved the Prison Town movie, it was really sad and it was informational. I like that it wasn’t a boring informational movie but an interesting one that also taught a lot so that it was easy to follow and understand. Another movie topic I would suggest is Shawshank Redemption. It is an intense movie but its amazing and gives a good sense of what Prison was like in the early to mid 20th century and probably still today.
My favorite thing we did in class was probably the “Joint Project.” I thought it was a lot of fun but also extremely interesting. The only way for it to work well though is if people take it seriously and I think that our class as well as Mrs. Herman’s 4th hour really took this project seriously and worked hard on it. The only bad thing is that we didn’t have enough time to ask all the questions people had wanted to ask so somehow if there was more time that would be even better. Some other things I liked were the note sheets, I like that you made specific note sheets where we can write definitions or fill in the blanks it just helps organization and makes notes easier to read and find. I also like that you gave us sufficient time for projects, including time to work in class. A lot of teachers do not give a fair amount of time for projects but I feel that I was not overly stressed about any projects given because I had enough time to work on them and make them complete rather than rushing all at the last minute.
I would defiantly consider studying law in college or having a future in law. I really enjoy the topic as a whole and feel that it is defiantly a possibility for a career path. I’m not sure exactly what specifically in law I would study or if I were to become a layer, what kind of lawyer I would want to be because I would not want to be a criminal lawyer for a number of reasons but I am not sure what other types of lawyers would be interesting. I just do not want a job that I am bored with, I love debating and arguing and feel that I am decent at it. I have been told by parents and many teachers that they could see me being a lawyer but I am not sure what I will end up pursuing. I will definitely take courses in college to see if I will further this passion.

the final blog...:(

I thought this was a great class! It was fun but informational at the same time. I feel like I learned a lot about law and I enjoyed the topics we went over. I thought they were a good choice of topics because they pertain to us directly for example when we learned about our first amendment rights and such. I like that there was a variety of assignments and that it wasn’t all repetitive. Blogs were a good ay to express your feelings that you didn’t have time to discuss in class and I like that we were able to get extra credit by commenting on other peoples blogs. The reading quizzes were fair because if you did the reading then you would do well on the quiz since they were main ideas rather than little details. I loved the Prison Town movie, it was really sad and it was informational. I like that it wasn’t a boring informational movie but an interesting one that also taught a lot so that it was easy to follow and understand. Another movie topic I would suggest is Shawshank Redemption. It is an intense movie but its amazing and gives a good sense of what Prison was like in the early to mid 20th century and probably still today.
My favorite thing we did in class was probably the “Joint Project.” I thought it was a lot of fun but also extremely interesting. The only way for it to work well though is if people take it seriously and I think that our class as well as Mrs. Herman’s 4th hour really took this project seriously and worked hard on it. The only bad thing is that we didn’t have enough time to ask all the questions people had wanted to ask so somehow if there was more time that would be even better. Some other things I liked were the note sheets, I like that you made specific note sheets where we can write definitions or fill in the blanks it just helps organization and makes notes easier to read and find. I also like that you gave us sufficient time for projects, including time to work in class. A lot of teachers do not give a fair amount of time for projects but I feel that I was not overly stressed about any projects given because I had enough time to work on them and make them complete rather than rushing all at the last minute.
I would defiantly consider studying law in college or having a future in law. I really enjoy the topic as a whole and feel that it is defiantly a possibility for a career path. I’m not sure exactly what specifically in law I would study or if I were to become a layer, what kind of lawyer I would want to be because I would not want to be a criminal lawyer for a number of reasons but I am not sure what other types of lawyers would be interesting. I just do not want a job that I am bored with, I love debating and arguing and feel that I am decent at it. I have been told by parents and many teachers that they could see me being a lawyer but I am not sure what I will end up pursuing. I will definitely take courses in college to see if I will further this passion.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

privacy: "its complicated"

After reading this article I was confused at first about facebook tracking what I do outside its website and on other websites and it said that a box pops up asking if its okay to share that information. But, I use facebook and this hasn’t ever happened to me. so I guess I don’t quite get what they are tracking and who they are sharing it with. I am assuming, from the article, that if you look on a movie website outside of facebook ten facebook uses that to give you adds about movies. I personally, do not see anything wrong with this. Also, the mini news feed is really not an invasion, while yes I admit it is a bit stalkerish, it is not really an invasion because if you choose not to share a story you can click to hide it so no one sees it. So, if people feel that facebook is an invasion of their privacy then they don’t have to use it. No one is making them use it so if they don’t like it then stop complaining and find something else to do. But, for those who do want to continue using and only have small problems with it that seem to be universal with all facebook users, as it appears to be in this article, should do just as they have started to do, make a group and show the facebook makers what they dislike and if enough people dislike these features then facebook is very open to changes. I do not think this is truly an intense invasion because it ASKS first if you care to share the information so it is a choice. If it isn’t a choice and you are not aware of this sharing of personal information then I agree that it appears to be an invasion. If people don’t want their “privacy” to be invaded then they should not put themselves in this situation by joining facebook because people can find out whose wall you’ve posted on or who tagged you in what pictures because that is how facebook has designed themselves. I think that privacy is less important for facebook then for myspace because myspace is a whole different story being all the rape cases and under aged sexual cases and stalking that come up way more frequently on myspace. Facebook I feel is safer and if that means I have to give up a little bit of privacy then so be it, id rather be safe and give up only a little then be at risk for crazy stalkers and sick people. So, those who don’t like it need to realize that it is not mandatory and if you really have that big of issues don’t use it, or if it is an issue all users have then take it to the head of facebook and they can do something about it because as it said in the article that facebook is very willing to change things if their users do not like them.