Thursday, September 20, 2007


so i didnt realize how short that last one was, sorry. heres some more about the death penalty. It is ridiculous that our tax dollars should be going to pay for mass murderers and serious first degree murderers to be kept alive. it is cheaper, and more logical to use the death penalty since they wont be taking up any unnecessary space. While i understand it may seem harsh to claim money as more important then a person. but these are not average people they are murderers and should not be regarded the same as other people. I do not beleive there is hope to rehibilitate people who are mass murderers. Also i do not think it is an excuse to claim insanity in cases of extreme murder, if you kill someone they are dead just because you can go to a mental hospital and if you rehibiliate yourself that person you killed is still dead. you killed them and that is all there is to it, insane or not, i find it hard to beleive that anyone who kills people with premeditation is not mentally stable.

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