Wednesday, October 3, 2007

the budget part 1

So obviously part of the reason that Michigan is in such a bad financial state is because the unemployment rate is so high. I think that a way to solve the problem of unemployment would be to make sure illegal immigrants are not coming to America and taking away jobs Americans could be having. Yes I have heard people defend the illegal immigrants by claiming, “they take the jobs no one wants” that is ridiculous! If you are below the poverty line, who are you to say “I don’t want that job” honestly it is a job and if you have no money you should not be sitting around doing nothing you should be trying to better your life by taking a job. Don’t just expect the government to give you money. It is your obligation to yourself and to your country to do all you can to better yourself because it is unfair and unjust to expect other people to pay for you. So if illegal immigration was dealt with more carefully and more jobs were opening up more Americans should get off their high horses and stop crying about being poor and actually try to better themselves. (I’m defiantly not saying all poor people, don’t get me wrong, I just mean a group of people living in poverty who do this, NOT ALL!) So illegal immigration should be dealt with seriously because it is affecting our country and the number of available jobs, however I think Americans needed to stop being so high minded. If you don’t have any money or a job, honestly who do you think you are to turn down a job! Who are you to say its not good enough? Don’t just expect to have all the wealthier people pay for you.

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