Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Armenian Genocide or massacre?

Recently it has been up for discussion if the Armenian Genocide should be declared as genocide. There are many issues that arise when our government is discussing it. The problem is that if we declare it genocide we risk losing our ties with Turkey which are helping us in the war in Iraq. Turkey is a necessity to have as an ally and it is questioned whether it is worth declared the Genocide as a genocide and risk losing this crucial ties. In an ideal world we would be able to officially declare it genocide because it is the right moral thing to do. It is a tough subject because, while very different, if the country was questioning not declaring the holocaust a holocaust then I think a lot of Jews would be furious. However, the difference is that during the Armenian genocide they were able to hide the evidence so well that there is no flat proof of the event except for the people who were in it as opposed to the Nazi's during the holocaust who kept extremely good records of proof. but all that aside, we cannot afford to lose the friendship of Turkey because that is what Turkey has claimed would happen because they think it is a slap in the face to them and that it is being a bad ally to "betray" them in a sense. I wish that we could declare it genocide because it was a horrible horrible thing that I truly think was a genocide but it is too idealistic. It’s just such an awful tragedy that happened and it should be recognized. However, the timing is just completely off. It just makes me so angry that Turkey would deny something like this. I know that when people deny the holocaust it makes me furious so I can only imagine what the Armenians must be feeling right now but even worse in that the people who actually did this horrible genocide to them are the ones who are denying it and the sad part is, they are getting away with it. They are saying that it was NOT genocide because they were not trying to wipe out all the people of a specific race but that is exactly what they were trying to do by murdering thousands and thousands of Armenians. It’s not like they just murdered a bunch of random people, they murdered specifically Armenians. They say that they may have committed a massacre but it was most defiantly not genocide. How dare they deny these Armenians of the public conformation of their tortured struggles. America has no problem confessing to our mistake of slavery and has publicly apologized and sympathized will all those who were affected by it. While obviously this is different than genocide we are not afraid to apologize for our mistakes. While yes, I do feel for the Armenians who have to deal with not getting the recognition they deserve I feel that it is not the time for America to be taking risks that may cause even more trouble in Iraq then is already prevalent.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

This is very interesting. It is a very tough subject. I feel that obviously we should state that it was a genocide. However, right now, we really need to be allys with Turkey. I think America should wait to claim if it was a genocide or not until after the situation in the Middle East calms down. I know it is not fair, but this could also cause more harm to our country. I feel really bad for the Armeniams though, that is awful.